Wednesday, August 29, 2012

MC68HC08JK3 crack

MC68HC08JL3 MC68HC08JL8 MC68HC908JK1 MC68HC908JK3 MC68HC908JK8
MC68HC908JL16 MC68HC908JL3 MC68HC908JL8 MC68HC08KH12
MC68HC908KX12 MC68HC908KX8 MC68HC908LB8 MC68HC908LD60
MC68HC908LD64 MC68HC908LJ12 MC68HC908JB8 MC68HC908JB16
Freescal chip decryption, freescale crack, freescale ic code
we can provide various chip crack. For more information, please
contact us.

freescale crack

Freescale Chip Code extraction
Freescal chip decryption, freescale crack, freescale ic code
we can provide various chip crack. For more information, please
contact us.

MC68HC908xxxx crack:MC68HC908JB8  MC68HC908AB32 CMC68HC08AB16A 
MC68HC908AB32 MC68HC908AP8 MC68HC908AP16 MC68HC908AP32
MC68HC908AP64 MC68HC08AS32 MC68HC08AZ32 MC68HC08AZ60
MC68HC908AS32 MC68HC908AS60 MC68HC908AZ32 MC68HC908AZ60
MC68HC08AZ60 MC68HC08BD24 MC68HC908BD48 MC68HC908EY8
MC68HC908EY16 MC68HC08GP16 MC68HC08GP32 MC68HC08GR16
MC68HC08GT16 MC68HC908GP32 MC68HC908GR4 MC68HC908GR16
MC68HC908GR32 MC68HC908GR48 MC68HC908GR60 MC68HC908GR8
MC68HC908GT8 MC68HC908GT16 MC68HC908GZ8 MC68HC908GZ16
MC68HC908GZ32 MC68HC908GZ48 MC68HC908GZ60 MC68HC08JT8

chip crack

Freescale Chip Code extraction
Freescal chip decryption, freescale crack, freescale ic code
we can provide various chip crack. For more information, please
contact us.


Freescale's single chip product is rich, has from 8 bits to 32
bits microcontroller. And the 8-bit microcontroller most popular
use, such as HC05、HC11(already discontinued)、HC08、HCS08.
HCS08 is the current flagship product, such as MC9S08AW16、
MC9S08AC32 are HCS08 products.Sichip provides a full range of
MOTOROLA MCU crack services.

MC68HC908xxxx crack:MC68HC908JB8  MC68HC908AB32 CMC68HC08AB16A 
MC68HC908AB32 MC68HC908AP8 MC68HC908AP16 MC68HC908AP32
MC68HC908AP64 MC68HC08AS32 MC68HC08AZ32 MC68HC08AZ60
MC68HC908AS32 MC68HC908AS60 MC68HC908AZ32 MC68HC908AZ60
MC68HC08AZ60 MC68HC08BD24 MC68HC908BD48 MC68HC908EY8

chip crack

Freescale Chip Code extraction
Freescal chip decryption, freescale crack, freescale ic code
we can provide various chip crack. For more information, please
contact us.

chip product

Freescale's single chip product is rich, has from 8 bits to 32
bits microcontroller. And the 8-bit microcontroller most popular
use, such as HC05、HC11(already discontinued)、HC08、HCS08.
HCS08 is the current flagship product, such as MC9S08AW16、
MC9S08AC32 are HCS08 products.Sichip provides a full range of
MOTOROLA MCU crack services.

MC68HC908xxxx crack:MC68HC908JB8  MC68HC908AB32 CMC68HC08AB16A 
MC68HC908AB32 MC68HC908AP8 MC68HC908AP16 MC68HC908AP32
MC68HC908AP64 MC68HC08AS32 MC68HC08AZ32 MC68HC08AZ60
MC68HC908AS32 MC68HC908AS60 MC68HC908AZ32 MC68HC908AZ60
MC68HC08AZ60 MC68HC08BD24 MC68HC908BD48 MC68HC908EY8
MC68HC908EY16 MC68HC08GP16 MC68HC08GP32 MC68HC08GR16
MC68HC08GT16 MC68HC908GP32 MC68HC908GR4 MC68HC908GR16
MC68HC908GR32 MC68HC908GR48 MC68HC908GR60 MC68HC908GR8
MC68HC908GT8 MC68HC908GT16 MC68HC908GZ8 MC68HC908GZ16
MC68HC908GZ32 MC68HC908GZ48 MC68HC908GZ60 MC68HC08JT8

freescale crack

Freescale Chip Code extraction
Freescal chip decryption, freescale crack, freescale ic code
we can provide various chip crack. For more information, please
contact us.
Freescale's single chip product is rich, has from 8 bits to 32
bits microcontroller. And the 8-bit microcontroller most popular
use, such as HC05、HC11(already discontinued)、HC08、HCS08.
HCS08 is the current flagship product, such as MC9S08AW16、
MC9S08AC32 are HCS08 products.Sichip provides a full range of
MOTOROLA MCU crack services.

Freescal chip decryption,

Freescal chip decryption, freescale crack, freescale ic code
we can provide various chip crack. For more information, please
contact us.
Freescale's single chip product is rich, has from 8 bits to 32
bits microcontroller. And the 8-bit microcontroller most popular
use, such as HC05、HC11(already discontinued)、HC08、HCS08.
HCS08 is the current flagship product, such as MC9S08AW16、
MC9S08AC32 are HCS08 products.Sichip provides a full range of
MOTOROLA MCU crack services.

Freescale Chip Code extraction

Freescal chip decryption, freescale crack, freescale ic code
we can provide various chip crack. For more information, please
contact us.
Freescale's single chip product is rich, has from 8 bits to 32
bits microcontroller. And the 8-bit microcontroller most popular
use, such as HC05、HC11(already discontinued)、HC08、HCS08.
HCS08 is the current flagship product, such as MC9S08AW16、
MC9S08AC32 are HCS08 products.Sichip provides a full range of
MOTOROLA MCU crack services.

MC68HC908xxxx crack:MC68HC908JB8  MC68HC908AB32 CMC68HC08AB16A 
MC68HC908AB32 MC68HC908AP8 MC68HC908AP16 MC68HC908AP32
MC68HC908AP64 MC68HC08AS32 MC68HC08AZ32 MC68HC08AZ60
MC68HC908AS32 MC68HC908AS60 MC68HC908AZ32 MC68HC908AZ60
MC68HC08AZ60 MC68HC08BD24 MC68HC908BD48 MC68HC908EY8
MC68HC908EY16 MC68HC08GP16 MC68HC08GP32 MC68HC08GR16
MC68HC08GT16 MC68HC908GP32 MC68HC908GR4 MC68HC908GR16
MC68HC908GR32 MC68HC908GR48 MC68HC908GR60 MC68HC908GR8
MC68HC908GT8 MC68HC908GT16 MC68HC908GZ8 MC68HC908GZ16
MC68HC908GZ32 MC68HC908GZ48 MC68HC908GZ60 MC68HC08JT8

Wednesday, August 15, 2012



    Codec Engine Algorithm Creator User's Guide (SPRUED6)
    QualiTI (XDAIS validation tool)
    RTSC codec packaging wizard
    DAIS-DM (Digital Media) User Guide (SPRUEC8)
    XDM API Reference - also in $(XDAIS_INSTALL_DIR)/docs/html/index.html
    TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Rules and Guidelines (SPRU352)
    TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard API Reference (SPRU360)
    TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Developer’s Guide (SPRU424)
    Example codecs. $(XDAIS_INSTALL_DIR)/examples and $(CE_INSTALL_DIR)/examples
    If creating a new VISA-like API/SPI (System Programming Interface) for a new class of algorithms
        Consider IUNIVERSAL first!
        Codec Engine SPI Reference Guide - also in $(CE_INSTALL_DIR)/docs/spi/html/index.html
        Scale example. Codec in $(CE_INSTALL_DIR)/examples/.../codecs/scale and VISA extension support in $(CE_INSTALL_DIR)/examples/...extensions/scale

Algorithm Creator

Algorithm Creator

The codec creator is responsible for creating an XDAIS algorithm, and providing the necessary packaging to enable these algorithms to be consumed, and configured by CE.

If the codec is XDM compliant, CE's VISA APIs will support remote execution of the codecs without additional support. However, if the codec is *not* XDM compliant, and the codecs support remote execution, they will need to supply CE skeletons and stubs.


    Generate a codec library with appropriate IALG and optional IDMA3 interface symbols exported
    Implement the ti.sdo.ce.ICodec interface, referencing the requisite exported symbols


    XDAIS, XDCtools

    A released codec package. This package includes a module that implements ti.sdo.ce.ICodec, as well as the libraries that contain the algorithm's implementation.

tms320 code engine

The Codec Engine (CE) is a framework which enables several customer use cases, from ARM-side application developers to DSP-side codec authors, and several integrators in between. In many cases, these roles may be played by a single person - in other development environments, a different developer may be assigned each role individually. This topic describes the 4 primary roles which CE users will play, and the inputs and outputs of each role.

Because CE is very portable and configurable, and can run in many different environments, the descriptions of these roles may be intentionally vague. When applicable, specific hardware and software environments are described after the general descriptions.

application using DSP Link on OMAPL1x

application using DSP Link on OMAPL1x

For many developers that have extensive background on TI DSPs, going to an ARM+DSP processor platform usually imposes a difficult learning curve due to the complexity of the interactions between a High Level Operating System (HLOS) and the familiar DSP/BIOS - not to mention the different development environment (usually Linux).

In order to help with such big learning curve, this article covers in detail an example application that not only loads and runs the DSP from the ARM (using the PROC mechanism of DSP/Link) but also allows the DSP to access hardware peripherals directly (either via CSL or BSL). It also shows a safe method of sharing memory (POOL) and passing control messages (Message Queue or MSGQ) between the two operating systems - Linux on the ARM and DSP/BIOS on the DSP.

Updated Release 1.10! Based on feedback received, some fixes and improvements were incorporated to the example application, including a Windows command line version. Please check the differences in the file <readme.txt> on the download page and highlighted in the text below.

FIFO Ordering of DMA Transfers and Linked DMA Transfers

 FIFO Ordering of DMA Transfers and Linked DMA Transfers

Several outstanding DMA transfer requests may be submitted asynchronously to run concurrently on separate logical DMA channels. Only transfer requests started on the same logical channel are guaranteed to start and complete in a strictly first-in first-out (FIFO) ordering.

In order to start multiple DMA transfers simultaneously but in a strict FIFO order, the IDMA3 interface introduces the notion of logical channels with more than 1 configurable transfer. Each ACPY3_start issued on a logical DMA channel, in effect, issues these as linked DMA transfers, similar to the mechanism provided by the EDMA3.0 hardware. In addition to the enforced FIFO ordering, the ACPY3 library submits linked transfers more efficiently, so their use is encouraged even if FIFO ordering is not strictly required.

ACPY3 additionally allows synchronizing with one or more intermediate transfers within a linked channel. The number of intermediate waits must be indicated in the “numWaits” field when requesting an IDMA3 channel that will be used to wait on intermediate transfers.

DMA Transfer Submission and Synchronization using ACPY3

 DMA Transfer Submission and Synchronization using ACPY3

Algorithms or applications can use the physical DMA resources obtained through the IDMA3 interface directly or using any custom DMA library. However, the TI Framework Components package provides a high performance library, ACPY3, which may be used to perform a rich set of DMA operations using the logical DMA channels acquired through the IDMA3 protocol.

The ACPY3 API introduces several DMA transfer-related abstractions highlighted in the following subsections.

TMS320 DMA Resource Management using DMAN3

TMS320 DMA Resource Management using DMAN3

The IDMA3 interface does not specify or mandate the use of a particular framework DMA Resource manager. However, the TI Framework Components package provides DMAN3 as a fully-supported and configurable DMA Resource manager in charge of managing the EDMA3.0 physical resources that the application framework has given exclusively to DMAN3.

In a typical Framework Component based application, DMAN3 grants each algorithm the DMA resources it requests via the IDMA3 interface. The algorithm subsequently may call ACPY3 functions to configure logical channel settings, to request DMA transfers, or to synchronize with on-going transfers.

DMAN3 can be configured using a runtime C interface or statically using XDC tooling. The configuration provides DMAN3 with the physical EDMA3 resources: PaRAMs, TCCs, QDMA channels. DMAN3 configuration dictates how it allocates and manages the memory supplied to each logical DMA channel. DMAN3 additionally supports sharing of physical EDMA3 resources among algorithms created with the same scratch groupId whenever it is possible. It is the responsibility of the application framework to ensure that algorithms created using the same DMAN3 scratch groupIds do not pre-empt each other. See the section titled DMAN3 Configuration Examples for some common allocation scenarios and tips.