Wednesday, August 15, 2012

application using DSP Link on OMAPL1x

application using DSP Link on OMAPL1x

For many developers that have extensive background on TI DSPs, going to an ARM+DSP processor platform usually imposes a difficult learning curve due to the complexity of the interactions between a High Level Operating System (HLOS) and the familiar DSP/BIOS - not to mention the different development environment (usually Linux).

In order to help with such big learning curve, this article covers in detail an example application that not only loads and runs the DSP from the ARM (using the PROC mechanism of DSP/Link) but also allows the DSP to access hardware peripherals directly (either via CSL or BSL). It also shows a safe method of sharing memory (POOL) and passing control messages (Message Queue or MSGQ) between the two operating systems - Linux on the ARM and DSP/BIOS on the DSP.

Updated Release 1.10! Based on feedback received, some fixes and improvements were incorporated to the example application, including a Windows command line version. Please check the differences in the file <readme.txt> on the download page and highlighted in the text below.

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